Friday, January 27, 2012

Three Key Ideas from Time, Love, Memory

What I believe are the three key ideas are in the title of the book itself.

Time. In this book time represents evolution. When we look back to our past, evolution is what has happened. It is of the utmost importance for us to understand who we are and where we came from. There are many theories and from those theories there are eve nmore. Evolution plays a enormous role as it helps us figure out why we are what we are. Fro mthe famous Darwin and his birds on Galapagos Islands and their beak sizes and shapes, evolution has helped us adapt to the everchanging environment. As the passage of time continues, we are simultaneously changing every second of every day of our entire lives. It helps us determine the certain traits we possess currently and maybe predict what is to come.

Love. Love symbolizes mating. For those bacteria, plants, etc who reproduce asexually, I guess they are lucky because they wont have ot find a mate. HUmans on the other hand reproduce sexually. Without mating, there will not be the next generation and our existence would be nothing more than a memory, but rather nothing if nothing else exists to learn about us. Through mating animals reproduce and procreate to expand their population and ensure their survival. Through mating genetic material is shared and through the sharing of DNA, we are able to evolve and adapt and survive. It may be easier to reproduce asexually but if cannot acquire new genes, you may be hopeless. And with new technology its become easier to reproduce sexually with sperm banks and online dating.

Memory. Memory signifies genetics. To connect all three together is simple. THey all rely on each other to further our existence as well as many other organisms. Genetics will help us understand how traits are acquired and how we end up with our genetic make up. Mendel set the foundation of all of genetics. It helps determine who we are and how we look. With new technology today, some parents even go to the length of choosing traits for their children. This may be a bit too far because will it be their children anymore if they change these genes instead of having their child inherit traits naturally.

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