Friday, January 27, 2012

Extreme Organism

Thermophiles are the heat loving bacteric found near hydrothermal vents and hot springs. Many of which belong to Archea. It is believed to be one of the earliest bacteria. They are classified into either oligate or faculative thermophiles. Obligate thermophiles need to be in extremely hot conditions in order to survive while faculatives may thrive in either moderate or high temperatures. Many thermophiles use dissolved sulfur or other elements as their energy source and iron as a means of respiration. It is generally considered as one that maintains life or activity at temperatures above 40 degrees celsius. However, their optimal temperature is from 50 to 70 degrees celsius. The name "thermo" and "philes" means heat loving. Thermophilic microorganisms can survive because of heir ability to produce thermophilic enzymes. Their membranes and proteins are unusually stable at these high temperatures. Some thermophili enzymes have been discovered that can maintain at least half of their specific activities at temperatures as high as 80 degrees and they are referred to as hypothermophiles. However, their enzymes might partially denature at high temperatures but have adaptive systems that allow them to renature once removed from extreme conditions. They usually live in either acidic or geothermal habitats. Thermophiles can either reproduce sexually or asexually.

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