Thursday, January 26, 2012

Phyla of Protozoa


There are 6000 species. It is carried in blood and can cause disease like toxoplasmosis and malaria. They are nonmotile, unicellular protists. They are commonly parasitic on vertebrate animals.
Plasmodium vivax
This single celled organism that causes malaria. These microorganims invade red blood cells where they multiply and eventually escape from ruptured cells. This disease is characterized by fevers and chills.


this phylum has 8000 species. They move by using cilia. They have a pellicle, oral groove, gullet, macronucleus and a micronucleus. They reproduce by conjugation as well as fission.

Paramecium bursaria
 They form symbiotic relationship with green algae. Algae lives in its cytoplasm. The algal photosynthesis provides a food source for them.


There are 40000 species. They are amoebas. They eat other protists andh ave cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopodia. They make limestone and chalk deposits. They cause diseases such as  amebic dysentary. They also feed on other protozoans and unicellular algae by engulfing them in its pseudopodia.

Entamoeba histolytica
They invade the digestive tracts of humans. This disease is spread by fecal contamination of drinking water, raw vegetables and careless food handlers.


There are 2500 species. They move using flagella and most are free living. They cause diseases like zooflagellates, African trypanosomiasis which is a sleepign disease, chagas disease with is the kissing bug, leichmaniasis which is the sand fly and giardiasis.

Trypanosoma gambiense
There are two species of flagellates that transmit disease by biting flies. It then causes African sleeping sickness. If it is untreated in early stages, African sleepign sickness is potentially fatal.

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