Saturday, January 21, 2012

Biochemistry Unit Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
In the context of biochemistry, it begins from chemical elements and compounds. Life requires about 25 chemical compounds. Atomic structure determines the behavior of an element. Atoms combine by chemical bonding to form molecules. Weak chemical bonds play important roles in the chemistry of life. A molecule's biological function is related to its shape. Chemical reactions make and break chemical bonds. The polarity of water molecules results in hydrogen bonding. organisms depend on the cohesion of water molecules water moderates temperatures on Earth. Oceans and lakes don't freeze because ice floats. Water is the solvent of life. Organisms are sensitive to pH. Acid precipitation threatens the fitness of the environment. Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds. Carbon atoms are the most versatile building blocks of molecules. Variation in the carbon skeletons contributes to the diversity of organic molecules. Functional groups comtribute to the molecular diversity of life. 

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