Wednesday, March 7, 2012

BOW Genome: Intelligence

Genes are not there to cause diseases. Most genes are repeated, however, the number of time of repetitions affects how we will become either we have the disease or not. For some it is the presence of the gene too many times and for others, it is the lack there of. Plomin was curious whether there was a gene for intelligence and gathered DNA samples from children with an IQ approximately 160. He found that there was a gene can IGF2R which lies in the middle of the gene. At a later time, it was recognized that there were many different kinds of intelligence such as musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinesthetic, etc. In a test with twins, it was shown that there is a correlation of IQ regardless of being reared together or apart. Two vital thigns that are proved in this chapter is that genetic influences are not frozen when you are born and environmental influences does affect our intelligence. 

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